Tuesday, April 2, 2013

In time.....

As I sit here staring at a screen with only the above picture on it, I'm wondering what exactly it is I should be writing about today...
Do I share with you all of the struggles I personally had during the past Lent, that an abortion doctor is currently on trial and the mainstream media isn't covering it, the current gun bills that the legislature of my state are trying to pass in the dark of the night (remind you of any Particular Individual?), or how our rights are American citizens are being stripped away from us each day.

Even with the personal struggles with my health during Lent the need for direction from God about future choices was always in the forefront of my mind.  On Easter Sunday, I went back on Facebook (something I've been 'giving up' for the past few years) and found out something that troubled me deeply.  A young lady that who goes to the same Church as my family had changed her name to a masculine name and her profile picture showed her dressed as a young man.  It broke my heart!
My first instinct was to comment on her wall, yet my two daughters counseled me against it.  That a personal message would be best.  Right then and there, the decision was clear.  Delete my account.  In less than 2 minutes that followed, it happened.
There are many friends I have made through facebook, yet I thank God for all of the other modern technologies that are at our disposal....long distance phone calls, texting (so very thankful that my five siblings are just a text away!), cell phones (to take great pictures or make an impromptu phone call), email, or writing a blog....in this way, we're still able to keep in touch without too much drama.
I am truly thankful for my faithful, hardworking, and God fearing husband, and our children.  Each of them are truly a blessing in my life that I do not deserve.
May God bless you and yours abundantly!

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