I cannot help but reflect back to three years ago, when I was unexpectedly sent to the doctors office three weeks before my due date because I woke up dizzy. At the office, my blood pressure was high so I was sent to the hospital for a stress test. With the tests, there were also several checks of my blood pressure which just kept steadily going up.
This was a huge concern to me. I have already had seven children on earth and one in heaven prior to all of this. Of my seven earthly children, each of them were anywhere from 4 to 9 days past their scheduled "due date."
At the time that all of this was going on, we were also having our septic system replaced. I'm on my way to the hospital, and the man who is taking care of replacing the septic system is dropping the big machinery off in our driveway. At home, Laura is holding down the fort with her four younger brothers. Beth is my chauffeur getting me from the doctor's office to the hospital (via McDonald's since I was finally able to convince her that she needed to keep up her strength for me!) Hubby was working overtime and I knew if I needed him at the hospital, it would only take him minutes to get there!
To make a long story short, at 8:30 pm on June 14th the doctor came in from an emergency surgery to check on me in triage. I knew she had already made her decision on whether I was going to be going home or if there was an induction in my future. Taking into account my age, elevating blood pressure, and closeness of my due date the induction was put into motion.
The IV's were put in, along with the magnesium to keep me from having a seizure. The magnesium effected me badly. Throughout that night I was having the strangest dreams. My husband and daughter (Beth) were trying to sleep in the uncomfortable rocking chairs covered in blankets. While I'm laying in bed with perspiration on my upper lip and forehead. Side effects from the magnesium, which I would not with upon my worst enemy!
On the morning of the 15th, my cervix had thinned out enough thanks to the medication that was put on it the night before. An epidural happened in the next hour.
It was after 3 that afternoon when Matthew was born. He was at least 2 pounds smaller than any of my other children had been at birth. He looked so fragile and precious. I was so thankful to finally hold him in my arms!
Even today, he loves to cuddle. I look at all of those kisses, hugs, cuddles, and "I love you, Mom!" as gifts from God....just as Matthew is to our family. For the name Matthew means, "Gift from God."
And as you can tell from all the pictures....Matthew is very much loved. None of us can imagine what our lives would be like without him. We thank God each day for him!
May God bless you and yours abundantly!